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Belledune Port Authority (BPA) Releases 2013 Financial Results

Belledune, NB – Mr. Barry Kyle, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Belledune Port Authority (BPA), released the 2013 Financial Results and Annual Report today at the BPA’s fourteenth Annual General Public Meeting at the Belledune Recreation and Cultural Centre.

“It is with great pride that I am able to report that the Port is celebrating another milestone achievement, its 9th consecutive year of record profits. To attain a strong financial performance in the face of a global recession is a testament to the Port’s vibrant operations, efficient marshalling of resources and excellent service – a remarkable achievement indeed!” said Mr. Barry Kyle, Chairman of the Board of Directors, “The port’s role in the region is very important to us and we continuously seek to meet the highest levels of sound business ethics. Corporate responsibility is embedded in the daily business activities of our employees. We also strive to make important progress in social and environmental areas.”

BPA President & CEO, Mr. Rayburn Doucett stated that: “The year 2013 marked several very important milestones for the Port. During the year, we have successfully secured long-term contracts with Eastern Canada Stevedoring at Terminal 3, NB Power, Operator of Terminal 2, Irving Oil at our liquid bulk storage tanks and discussions are on-going with Terminal 1 Operator, Glencore Canada Corporation – Brunswick Smelter. Although continuing our efforts on retaining and expanding current business while seeking new clients, our focus will be actively discussing opportunities for diversifying its cargo base in bulk, break bulk and unitized cargoes. These new opportunities will provide for improved cargo throughput, jobs and related economic spin-off benefits throughout the region in the years ahead. We can expect continued success in 2014 as we persist with our efforts to increase shipping while keeping costs down. We are, for example, actively pursuing new markets for aggregates that are plentiful in this region and are of superior quality.”

BPA’s net income for the 2013 fiscal year was $2,093,004. The exceptional financial position the BPA maintains reflects the persistent efforts of the BPA’s Board of Directors, management and staff, as they always strive to reach new goals. Belledune… Unlimited!

-30- For more information, please contact: Rayburn Doucett President & CEO Belledune Port Authority (506) 522-1200

2014 Press Release-AGM-English-MKTG-VAC-MAY232014.pdf

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